5 things you didn’t know you could do in Minecraft PE

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  • 5 things you didn’t know you could do in Minecraft PE

1. You can customize your controls in Minecraft PE to better suit your playstyle.

2. You can use the /tickingarea command to create areas that update faster than normal.

3. You can use the /clone command to copy sections of your world.

4. You can use the /setblock command to change blocks in your world.

5. You can use the /effect command to give yourself or other players potion effects.

Minecraft PE Controls customization

1. You can customize your controls in Minecraft PE to better suit your playstyle.

You can customize your controls in Minecraft PE to better suit your playstyle. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a change, or a new player trying to find the best control scheme for you, there’s bound to be a configuration that works better for you. Here are five things you can do to customize your controls in Minecraft PE:

1. Use a different control scheme.

There are a few different control schemes available in Minecraft PE, and you can change between them in the settings menu. If you’re not happy with the default control scheme, try out one of the other options and see if it’s a better fit for you.

2. Customize your on-screen controls.

On-screen controls can be customized in the settings menu as well. You can move the position of the controls around, and even change their size. This can be helpful if you’re finding the default controls to be too small or in the way.

3. Bind actions to specific buttons.

In the settings menu, you can bind actions to specific buttons on your device. This can be helpful if you want to have quick access to a certain action, such as opening the chat window or opening your inventory.

4. Use a controller.

If you want to have a more traditional gaming experience, you can connect a controller to your device and play Minecraft PE with it. This can be especially helpful if you’re more comfortable with using a controller than using on-screen controls.

5. Use a keyboard and mouse.

If you have a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, you can connect them to your device and use them to play Minecraft PE. This can give you a more precise control over your game, and can be more comfortable for some players.

Minecraft PE /tickingarea command

2. You can use the /tickingarea command to create areas that update faster than normal.

One of the lesser known commands in Minecraft PE is the /tickingarea command. This command can be used to create areas that update faster than normal. This can be useful for a number of things, such as creating an automatic farm or keeping a chest full of items from despawning.

To use the /tickingarea command, you first need to determine the coordinates of the area you want to create. The area can be up to 64×64 blocks in size. Once you have the coordinates, you can use the /tickingarea command to create the area.

For example, to create a 64×64 area that updates every tick, you would use the following command:

/tickingarea create <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> always

You can also specify how often you want the area to update. The options are ‘always’, ‘random’, and ‘once’. ‘Always’ will make the area update every tick, ‘random’ will make the area update randomly, and ‘once’ will make the area update only once.

Once you’ve created the area, you can add blocks, entities, or commands to it. These will be executed every time the area updates. For example, you could add a command block that spawns a chicken every time the area updates.

The /tickingarea command can be used to create some interesting and useful contraptions in Minecraft PE. If you’re looking for a challenge, try to see what you can come up with!

Minecraft PE /clone command

3. You can use the /clone command to copy sections of your world.

One of the more versatile commands in Minecraft PE is the /clone command. This command can be used to copy sections of your world. This can be useful for a number of things, such as creating a backup of your world, or copying a structure to another location.

To use the /clone command, you first need to determine the coordinates of the area you want to copy. The area can be up to 32x32x32 blocks in size. Once you have the coordinates, you can use the /clone command to copy the area.

For example, to copy a 32x32x32 area from (0,0,0) to (32,32,32), you would use the following command:

/clone 0 0 0 32 32 32

You can also specify whether or not you want to copy air blocks as well. By default, air blocks are not copied. To copy air blocks, you would use the following command:

/clone 0 0 0 32 32 32 include air

Once you’ve copied the area, you can paste it to another location using the /clone command. For example, to paste the area you just copied to (64,64,64), you would use the following command:

/clone 64 64 64

The /clone command can be used to copy any type of block, including blocks with data values. This means you can use it to copy things like chests with their contents, or signs with their text.

The /clone command is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. Experiment with it and see what you can come up with!

Minecraft PE /setblock command

4. You can use the /setblock command to change blocks in your world.

One of the more versatile commands in Minecraft PE is the /setblock command. This command can be used to change blocks in your world. This can be useful for a number of things, such as changing the blocks in a structure to a different type, or creating custom blocks.

To use the /setblock command, you first need to determine the coordinates of the block you want to change. Once you have the coordinates, you can use the /setblock command to change the block.

For example, to change the block at (0,0,0) to stone, you would use the following command:

/setblock 0 0 0 stone

You can also specify the data value of the block you’re changing to. For example, to change the block at (0,0,0) to stone with a data value of 2, you would use the following command:

/setblock 0 0 0 stone 2

The /setblock command can be used to change any type of block, including blocks with data values. This means you can use it to change things like chests with their contents, or signs with their text.

The /setblock command is a powerful tool that can be used for a number of purposes. Experiment with it and see what you can come up with!

Minecraft PE /effect command

5. You can use the /effect command to give yourself or other players potion effects.

One of the lesser known commands in Minecraft PE is the /effect command. This command can be used to give yourself or other players potion effects. This can be useful for a number of things, such as giving yourself a speed boost to get to your destination faster, or giving a player night vision to help them see in the dark.

To use the /effect command, you first need to determine the effect you want to give. There are a number of different effects available, and you can find a full list of them here. Once you’ve determined the effect you want to give, you can use the /effect command to give it to yourself or another player.

For example, to give yourself a speed boost, you would use the following command:

/effect give @p speed

You can also specify the duration of the effect. For example, to give yourself a speed boost for 10 seconds, you would use the following command:

/effect give @p speed 10

The /effect command can be used to give any type of effect, including negative effects. Be careful when using this command, as some effects can be harmful if used for too long.

The /effect command is a powerful tool that can be used for a number of purposes. Experiment with it and see what you can come up with!

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