下载并安装适用于我的世界 PE 的 TEI 模组:获得一个免费使用您的股票的机会,并且具有完整的功能。
什么是 TEI?
TEI 或 Too Many Things 是一种 MCPE 调整,旨在让其他客户的生活更轻松。事实证明,在 TEI 的帮助下,您将能够 发现食谱.
但这还不是全部。游戏玩家还有机会获得无限的生存产品,这在某些情况下可能至关重要。但不要过度使用它:禁止在 公共服务器.
带有工具箱的太多产品 Mod
根据开发人员的说法,这个插件肯定会满足所有游戏玩家的愿望,因为它可以让你的供应更有效。例如,安装后,这个插件肯定会让你拿走所有 Minecraft PE 物品 没有问题.
但是,最初,您已正确设置它。下载后,打开设置并找到 GUI。之后,选择 Classic 以查看更新后的表格。
就是这样 - 你不再需要担心 TEI 考虑到它也有 自动更新.
自由使用。让您的创造力在 MCPE 中蓬勃发展。
TEI 有多种形式,甚至还有一种高级形式。看起来,它的性能甚至更进一步。目前 Minecraft PE 玩家可以 改变天气状况以及更多.
例如,您可以建立产卵因子,调节昼夜循环,也可以治愈自己。它还有另一部分,可以让您照顾天气并开始 雷暴.
Too Many Items 的设计者使传送系统在视频游戏中变得可行。事实证明,用户可以设置 不同的航点 在他们之间传送。
另一种 TEI 类型是 NEI,也称为 Inadequate Items。它的功能几乎相同,但在某些方面比TEI好得多。要打开食物选择,你必须按下 N 按钮n 在理想的底部边缘。
现在将有大量其他开关,您可以完全公开地使用它们。例如,Minecraft PE 播放器可以 设置天气 或采取他想要的任何阻挡。
The TEI Mod for Minecraft PE is a popular mod that adds a new mob to the game: the Titans. The Titans are giant humanoid creatures that are capable of causing destruction wherever they go.
One of the standout features of the TEI Mod for Minecraft PE is the size and power of the Titans. These mobs are much larger than most other mobs in the game and are extremely difficult to defeat. They are also able to summon smaller mobs to fight alongside them, making them even more formidable.
In addition to the Titans themselves, the TEI Mod for Minecraft PE also introduces new gameplay mechanics related to these mobs. Players can collect the Titans' various body parts as drops and use them to create new items and blocks. The mod also adds a new boss battle against the Titans, which is sure to be a challenge for even the most experienced Minecraft players.
Overall, the TEI Mod for Minecraft PE is a great addition for players who enjoy facing off against formidable mobs and challenging boss battles. It adds a new level of excitement and difficulty to the game and is sure to keep players on their toes. If you're a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new challenge, be sure to give the TEI Mod for Minecraft PE a try!