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Have you been checking out the JAVA Edition updates while waiting for the Beta and Preview to release? Well, look no further as Mojang Studios released the latest for you to check out. If you find any bugs please report them so they can be fixed prior to the June 7th release date.
Features and Bug FixesSpectator Mode (Experimental)
Players in Spectator gamemode can't get effects from gameplay
Players in Spectator don't trigger raids while being in Village with Bad Omen effect
Sculk Sensor
Sculk Sensors are now occluded by Wool in a consistent manner, no matter which direction vibrations come from (MCPE-153815)
Sculk Sensors cannot detect a Player placing, destroying, walking, and falling on Carpets anymore (MCPE-153956)
Sculk Sensors cannot detect Wool and Carpets hitting the ground in item form anymore (MCPE-152998)
Sculk Sensor now retains information about the vibration it is reacting to through save and load
Sculk Sensors can now detect a Boat with Chest having its Chest opened and closed (MCPE-156199)
Sculk Sensors give out a Redstone Signal of 12 and 13 when detecting fluids being placed and picked up, respectively
Sculk Sensors can now detect a Player drinking Milk
Sculk Sensors can now detect a Player picking up Powder Snow via Bucket (MCPE-153817)
Sculk Sensors cannot detect an entity jumping on Wool covered by Sculk Veins anymore
Sculk Sensors cannot detect an entity standing still in Scaffolding anymore (MCPE-118454)
Sculk Sensors can now detect an entity moving in Powder Snow and cobwebs (MCPE-153105)
Sculk Sensors can now detect items being placed in the hand of an Armor Stand
Sculk Sensors cannot detect any more items being equipped on mobs at spawn time
Sculk Shrieker
Sculk Shrieker now retains information about the vibration it is reacting to through save and load
A Sculk Shrieker can no longer summon a Warden underwater (MCPE-153791)
Warden can now spawn on more types of non-full blocks, such as upper Slabs, Redstone Dust, Snow layers, Buttons, and Tripwires. Known limitations: The current solution doesn't allow spawn on some types of blocks such as Leaves and lower Slabs. (MCPE-155821)
Warden now retains information about the vibration it is reacting to through save and load
Warden sonic boom attack now bypasses enchantment damage reduction such as Protection (MCPE-156282)
Allay now retains information about the vibration it is reacting to through save and load
Mangrove Propagule
Mangrove propagule now uses grass sounds
Mangrove propagule is no longer destroyed by flowing water (MCPE-154011)
Deep Dark
Campground Structures generate correctly in Ancient Cities (MCPE-156084)
Sculk Vein feature can now generate within the same height span as the Sculk Patch feature. (MCPE-156074)
Mangrove Leaf Blocks are no longer collected into different stacks when using silk touch (MCPE-153786)
Stripped Mangrove Logs now craft into Stripped Mangrove Wood instead of Mangrove Wood (MCPE-155365)
Mangrove propagules now render correctly when placed in flower pots (MCPE-155528)
Sweet Berry Bush can now be planted on Mud, Muddy Mangrove Roots, and Rooted Dirt (MCPE-153916)
Smelting gold/iron tools and weapons into nuggets now rewards XP (MCPE-136467)
Fixing the bug where the Soul Campfire was using the wrong tag resulted in cases where some custom recipes for Campfires were not working correctly (MCPE-98305)
Fixed entities disappearing when importing worlds converted from legacy console editions of Minecraft
Teleporting entities into unloaded chunks no longer deletes them (MCPE-1529)
Fishing Rod no longer crashes the game when the fish hook is cast through dimension-changing portals (MCPE-154161)
Fixed bug causing player's hitbox to not reset if they die while swimming (MCPE-155232)
Fixed issue with health boost extra life not staying (MCPE-153504)
Wooden tools can now be repaired using Mangrove Planks, Crimson Planks, and Warped Planks (MCPE-153808)
Character Creator
Infinite loading should no longer occur when entering the dressing room
Fixed up some of the text for the emote wheel so it would fit inside the box
Fixed issue where the Emote Expedite List would be unable to display duplicate emotes, and the issue where the Emote Expedite List would not display correctly if the user did not enter the Dressing Room first
Fixed the issue where water fog expanding speed did not match the value specified in 'midPercentage' field (MCPE-153864)
Fixed issue where under water fog transition between biomes is not smooth while affected by eye adapting effect
Fixed animation system issues for players in split screen situations
Fixed Crossbow, Trident, and Shield rendering for other players (MCPE-118528)
Fix split-screen render position when sleeping in a bed (MCPE-65705)
Fix Elytra's animation is during split-screen
Fix attached Lead position when the second player is using first person perspective
Fixed device loss when reloading RTX worlds that caused DX11 to be used resulting in a black screen
Fog setting with negative fog start will no longer cause UI elements get tinted by fog color
Fixed the issue where terrain flickers in and out of the fog on Switch
Minecoins read by the text-to-speech reader will now say 'Minecoins'
Fixed the ratings percentages to add up to 100%.
Fixed issue where info and buttons do not appear for downloaded skin packs (MCPE-152216)
Villagers will now flee from Zoglins (MCPE-74974)
Wandering Trader
The Wandering Trader will now flee from Zoglins
The Wandering Trader will now drink milk to clear its invisibility effect (MCPE-44605)
Wither now breaks Obsidian when attacked by the player (MCPE-64630)
Wither no longer breaks surrounding blocks after a shorter delay than intended after being attacked
Player Rendering
Changed entity JSON files for the player to fix the hands not rendering while holding a map (MCPE-100259)
User Interface
Added the player's cause of death to the death screen
On the death screen in Pocket UI, moved the Main Menu button to the top navigation to avoid accidental button presses when dying mid-fight
Fixed incorrect positioning of "Select (A)" tip on the death screen when using a gamepad controller
Added correct death message when dying from Sweet Berry Bush (MCPE-103583)
Added a minimum size to yellow splash screen text.
Fixed "Crafting" word above the crafting slots in the Inventory in Bedrock's Classic UI (MCPE-152697)
Worlds created with templates will now always disable achievements.
Fixed bug where items can be dropped by clicking in the dark gray area of the player inventory when using Furnace, Blast Furnace, Smoker, Enchant Table, Grindstone, Brewing Stand, Anvil, Beacon and Smithing Table, Loom, Cartography table, Stone cutter
Fixed an issue where some paragraphs of text in modals were being misaligned (MCPE-153789)
Vanilla Parity
Actors entering nether portals exit in the same relative position and rotation to the portal (MCPE-139835)
Muddy Mangrove Roots are now broken fastest with a shovel (MCPE-153710)
Mangrove Roots are now broken fastest with an axe (MCPE-155606)
Updated Ancient City structures to match Java
Mobile Controls
Updated the visual style of the touch control joystick
Performance and Stability
The game will no longer crash in multiplayer when a player leaves the game while changing dimensions.
Fixed a crash that would happen when players died while affected with withering.
Technical Updates
Actor Properties (Experimental)
Actor properties will now save and load correctly across multiple clients and entities.
AI Goals
Added "minecraft:drink_milk" behavior which allows a mob to drink milk based on specified environment conditions
Fixed an issue in the teleport command where a "facing" argument would calculate an incorrect vertical orientation. (MCPE-144870)
GameTest Framework (Experimental)
The /script profiler command now includes native API calls its trace call stacks