ForumsMembersMensajes recientes ForosMinecraft PE Forum Avisos Vaciar todoMinecraft PE ForumShare your knowledge and love for Minecraft with other players. RSS Minecraft PE Forum MCPE: Discussion 4 / 9EstadoAutorTemasForoRespuestasVisitasLast post How does the control system work in Minecraft PE compared to the PC version? por MCPEDL, Feb 02, 23 MCPE: Discussion 3 523 por sky23hace 2 años Experiencing attack from an invisible entity while battling the ender dragon. por MCPEDL, Feb 02, 23 MCPE: Discussion 1 514 por sky23hace 2 años When did you start playing Minecraft? por MCPEDL, Feb 02, 23 MCPE: Discussion 1 455 por sky23hace 2 años Why is there so much copper in Minecraft? (1 viendo) por MCPEDL, Feb 02, 23 MCPE: Discussion 0 462 por MCPEDLhace 2 años Load More Topics Compartir: