ForumsMemberskürzliche Posts ForenMinecraft PE ForumMCPE: Discussion Benachrichtigungen Alles löschenMCPE: DiscussionMinecraft Pocket Edition is the mobile iteration of Minecraft, available on Android and iOS platforms. All discussions regarding this version of Minecraft should be posted in this section. RSS StatusAuthorThemenForumAntwortenAnsichtenLast post How does the control system work in Minecraft PE compared to the PC version? von MCPEDL, Feb. 02, 23 MCPE: Discussion 3 523 von sky23Vor 2 Jahren Experiencing attack from an invisible entity while battling the ender dragon. von MCPEDL, Feb. 02, 23 MCPE: Discussion 1 517 von sky23Vor 2 Jahren When did you start playing Minecraft? von MCPEDL, Feb. 02, 23 MCPE: Discussion 1 456 von sky23Vor 2 Jahren Why is there so much copper in Minecraft? von MCPEDL, Feb. 02, 23 MCPE: Discussion 0 465 von MCPEDLVor 2 Jahren Teilen: